A strong fashion collection should include the following:
1) Signature style
A good, commercially successful collection is one that tells a story through production. All the pieces are easy to trade. One of the main things that a good collection should have is the signature style. It can evolve, must be constant and recognizable from the start.
Your signature style makes you instantly recognizable. It may depend on the following: colors, shapes, patterns techniques, certain uses of stones, motifs, or specific uses of materials. How you use these signature elements in the process of telling the story through the product will make your design aesthetic.
2) Collection type
We often think of designer collections as a selection of curated series pieces that can be worn together. However, many designers have collections around the same product that sell in many colors and sizes.
So before you get started, consider what “type” designers you are and what kind of “business” you want. It is very common to start with a single product type business, combine it over time, and expand into a full multi-commodity collection business. It appears less often and is traditional, although there is another way to do it.
3) Collection size
When developing your collection, it is a good idea to target at least 12 pieces or look. All depend on your budget, it is best to have more than 12 pieces, as a larger collection will allow for better performance and versatility throughout the collection.
Do your designs sell in a single color option or do you offer additional colors to buyers?
If you do, how much should you pay?
Another important factor to consider is size, but since this does not affect the presentation of the collection, we will not discuss this issue.
There is often one that leads to disastrous results, the next: young and less experienced designers, recognizable in their search and talking successful experiments from other designers to get feedback on the right collection sizes.
They probably look at style.com and calculate the look and feel that big brands offer that they want to be like, the little details they talk about, and what they want to see. , Forget to consider completely. If you feel that way, stop now! Do not compare yourself with others; Be on your street.
4) Why not good?
Well-developed collections can range from 12 to 100+ designs depending on the brand. Offer, quantity, and material and product are the minimum raw material suppliers and manufacturers need to add and finance these options.
At best you are looking for a disaster preparation and logistics recipe. And if this massive offering is not very well managed, executed, and submitted, the buyer will see the bulky option as a sign of weak designer and poor decision making. So, be tough on yourself and cut back what seemed weak, not fit right in with the rest, say nothing about yourself as a designer.
[…] his recent piece on branding collection, he highlights all you need to stay cool, calm, and still represent your brand well. All the blog […]